sneaks in with a fresh cup of coffee…

Hey there! Something's brewing... and it's not just my pour-over.

This is a photo of a Lake Michigan beach, where part of my story takes place.

My first novel is currently under construction, fueled by countless cups of coffee, and crack-of-dawn writing sessions while my children are still sleeping.

While I'd love to reveal more (and will, just as soon as I finish writing it...), I can tell you it involves:

  • A mother's last words that set fire to everything that follows

  • A lost romance on Lake Michigan's shores

  • Three generations of mothers and daughters wrestling with love, control, and forgiveness

whispers Want to be the first to know when it's ready?

Drop your email in the form below and I'll send you a monthly update about my progress, some behind-the-scenes peeks at my writing process, and maybe even a few snippets as I get closer

Imagine things were always crystal clear.
Imagine that the mind never interfered.
Imagine we could fly with broken wings.
Imagine that the heart could shed its skin.

— Xavier Rudd